Friday, May 21, 2010

Hair Cut, Coupe, El Corte Del Pelo, Kukata Nywele

If there is one word you can find in any language it is, haircut.  I let my hair grow after Enzo joined our family.  He HAD to have a regular haircut otherwise I would have ended up with a dog who sported dread locks.  The decision was made to forgo my own hair stylin'  which everyone decided not to comment on.  Of course, once I broke down and after a year had my hair styled by the only woman in town who can cut my hair...I suddenly got comments on how cute my hair was and thank god you threw in the towel you cheap @#$%

I rediscovered myself at the hands of Angela of Zantes on Bond St. and it truly was a moment.  When she turned me around and I looked at myself at all angles I said, "there you are...I wondered where you went."

Of course this did not change the fact that I still am frugal.  And that these times require one to be frugal and in fact frugal is cool.  Now it was time for Enzo's I was heading out the door Greg said, "get him a field foo foo stuff...OK."  Off to the groomers I go...and just so you realize how ironic the world can be...the groomer for Enzo is named Angel.  When I told her I wanted a field cut she said ok, do you know what that is?

No, not a clue.  It is the same cut all over and is best for dogs who are in the woods, desert or are running threw the brush.  Hey!  That is Enzo.  She reassured me that she cuts another standard poodle and a labardoodle with a field cut.  Sounds perfect for a dog who could be CEO of the Velcro Strip company.

When I picked him up, I laughed out loud.  She said he now looks like a waved haired Weimaraner.  I didn't tell Enzo that in fact I had wanted a Weimaraner but because of allergy issues didn't want to risk it.  I love it and he probably won't need his hair cut for at least 3 months!  It is a great summer cut, although with this weeks weather he did let me cover him with a blanket last night. lol  Greg really liked it and Enzo feels and looks like crushed velvet.

The only thing is he now is chasing his tail cause it looks like a piece of wood and he curls up in a ball because he is now I own a weimardoodle.

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