Saturday, May 15, 2010

Breaking the Rules

 Today I am going to spend the whole day "breaking the rules."  We are raised by our parents, educated by our teachers, trained by our coaches, infused with guilt by our not breaks any rules.

Today I am going to live as if there is no rules...not as a jump into the world of criminal life...or drowning in choices that would result in harm...but to live without plan or goal.  To do that which I feel like doing, not what I should do...or what I have to do.  Even as we move through our lives we can hear those who tell us what we need or should do.  It is often filled with wisdom and love.  But, sometimes the voices are filled with guilt and admonition...and then we stop listen to our own voice.  We cannot seem to speak to that which is our own longing...our own desires.

I am going to experience this day moment by moment.  I am going to smell the sweetness of no adgenda...nor regret at the end of the day as not having experienced what I dreamed of... 

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