Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Climbing The Mountian In My Brain

I have been doing a lot of listening lately...not only to friends and coworkers but to myself.  So much of our little world feels out of our control.  The rules have changed and we seem to have settled into a place where we don't want to change.  We were fed the mantra that if you do your job you would be secure.  If you do more than your job you would be rewarded...alas, times have changed and it requires so much more of each of us.  Even if you played the game perfectly there is no guarantee that you will still be on the team.  The survivors of the new game have to have so many more tools than with the old game.  And as much as some people do not like the show "Survivor" there was a moment this last season that really made me think.
One of the most ruthless, cunning players...did not win.  In fact, this was the second season he had made it to the finals and still did not win.  It was pointed out by one of the other players...that this power player...knew how to play the game and he knew how to play it to get to the end...but didn't know how to play the game to win...only to reach the finals. 

I think those of us who hope to win...and by that I mean still be employed a year from now...need to play the game to win...not to hang in there till the finals. 

The number one skill is to keep you heart as far up this chart as possible.  Sure it is near impossible sometimes but for one's own physical health and secure employment you really have to keep in the top 3.  You can be a cup half empty person or you can be a cup half full...you can be a cup half full in an half empty job...it is a choice.

That choice will play out in this world...people can feel your positive energy or push to survive and they can also feel the anger and a throw in the towel attitude...it is up to you and only you.

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