Sunday, March 15, 2009

Free Speech

Free Speech seems to be a right that every American holds dear...that is as long as no one knows where it is coming from. We want the right to speak freely...but anonymously. I don't consider free speech, free if I am afraid to take responsibility for what I am saying.

When I read the Internet news there is the ability to leave comments after each article. The comments left for the most part make you wonder if people have any screening ability at all. Their brains, mouths and fingers seem to have a life of their own.

Even more amazing is the "rants and raves" section on Craig's list. Talk about slamming, trash talk and shear ugliness. After 2 times I have given up reading the comments. It is hard to even get to the really thoughtful comments for all the slamming. I wonder if we were required to attached our real name to any comment made on the net if we would be so forthright?

It is a struggle to say what you are thinking while facing the actual person you are having issue with. It is also difficult to think about signing your name to a comment that floats out on the world wide web. I can tell you that making it a requirement for your personal self ID to step up to the plate and let people see who you are and what you believe, will only make you a better person. When what you say to someone face to face is the same as what you would say behind their back, your world merges and then you are real. You become more thoughtful, you discover kinder way to express anger, frustration and you realize that some of the stuff you rant and rave about really is not that important.

The Internet has not done us any service when we can anonymously trash another person or business. We have become a society of covert assassins without any repercussion. And more importantly we are losing our communication skills, which when used face to face are usually kinder.

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