Thursday, June 10, 2010

Plugged In

Yesterday I was ruminating on mindfulness. Today there was an article on Plugged-in parents.
I find it disturbing on a personal level to have phones going off left and right. People, I have taken the time to be with, suddenly jumping up and taking every single call that comes in...I may as well have spent my time alone.
I understand the need for connection. And, I do know that as parents it feels good to have the security of our children being able to contact us at a moments notice. But, I find I am getting increasingly dissatisfied with people who have got to take every single call that comes through. I think we have to start making some in the theater when they ask you to silence your phone. I want people to silence their phones when they are out to lunch with me. I know that Billy Bob want to let you know that you need to stop at the store on the way home...but can't he leave a voice message to be picked up after you have left my company. Why is it that we need to be available 24/7 to the world. Are we sooooo important?
Although having the availability of connection does have some positive sides it is affecting the American family. Children have to wait till the parent is done texting, surfing the net or talking on cell phones. They are no longer an emotional priority...the world takes first place. Self esteem is built a brick at a time by being important to someone...and for children that is their parents. Each time you discount a child because you "really have to take this call" that child learns where he/she is in the importance line up.
How many times have you seen a cell phone call go to voicemail because a parent is in the middle of a conversation with their child and the parent wants to finish the conversation with the child first??? NEVER. Instead we tell the child...hold on I have to take this call.
I am going to work on my cell phone etiquette and see if I can change the way I am plugged in...because the bottom line is, I want to be plugged in to those who choose to spend time with me first.
So, if I don't answer the phone right away I may be trying to be mindful of someone I am with...or I can't find my cell phone.

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