Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Leaving The Matrix, The Revolution

The Revolution has started. I spent 8+ hours in the car yesterday. Greg said I was awful quiet. Maybe my voice was quiet but my brain was planning a revolution.
8 + hours to process where I came from. The emotions of those 8 hours was as varied as the landscape speeding by...Weeding through what is beneficial and what is detrimental. Realizing again that I have an opportunity to reinvent those parts of me I want to leave behind and embrace those parts of me that I find amazing.
There are those in the world who look at you with jaundiced eyes when you acknowledge how amazing you are...they want to level the plain...they don't want you to truly be happy, successful or content. They only feel OK when you aren't feeling OK. There are those in the world who want to hang around because your plight makes then feel good about their plight.
Then again there are really special people who spend moments giving you the gift of acknowledgement. They can see past your insecurities and touch who you really are...those are the people who realize their plain...has nothing to do with your plain...they give you the gift of grace. They provide some balance to your plain.
This morning I spent time acknowledging the truly extraordinary place I have come from and the amazing gift of my parents. Then I spent a good 2 hours purging those things that remind me of the insecurities that they passed on too me through no fault of their own. Our parents give us the gift of life, feed us, nurture us to the best of their abilities but they also give us their quirks, insecurities and emotional boxes...it is these things that I am tossing. I am only keeping the good and I am shipping out the bad. I hope by starting this revolution for myself my children will also realize that they truly are in charge of their happiness and maybe they won't need a revolution to create happiness.

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