Saturday, June 5, 2010


You would think at my age that friendships would be a slam dunk. What I mean is that you got your girlfriends and you know yourself and thus life is smooth sailing. But, even at my age I still have things to learn...not only about others but, about myself.

It tells me that I always need to keep my brain and heart open. That others may have a better answer than I do and that it is OK to not know what the "hay" to do. And, that if you are running around like chicken little yelling, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" that most likely a girlfriend will either be running along side you yelling the same thing...or they will slap you and say, "get a grip...we can do this."

Girlfriends are powerful...they must be, because we turn to them...and figure it out. They are our spouse, therapist, confessional, sibling and ultimately our girlfriends.

My prayer today...Thank you God for my girlfriends.

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