Friday, June 18, 2010

Balancing Act

Ahhhh, the art of balancing all the requirements of life. When we are born we have no concept of balancing...we just open out mouths and wail...and someone meets our needs. As children we still have no real concept of balancing the choices in life. It is only when we start reaching the age of reason...say...8-10 years of age that we get the first notion of having to balance the wants and needs of our lives.
In our teen years we know that we have to balance our choices and desires but, we are young and strong and believe in our invincibility...balance is not an issue. We believe, we can do it all. Some time by college we start to recognize that our choices really do have an impact on how we feel.
I think it is when we reach our parenting age that we truly understand life is a fine balance and sometimes you just are not coordinated enough to carry it off.
I have always been one who wanted to juggle several things while balancing on one foot. The best part of being in my 50's is that I am content with the idea that balancing means I have to have both feet on the ground. And the several things, is pared down to one or two. Sometimes I can feel the old me in my old brain trying to push the limit. But, the new me realizes that life is more about enjoying the journey not how things I can pack into the journey.
And...I find as I get older, at the end of the day...balance is not so much about how much I accomplished in any given day...but, how happy I am with the few things I did get done.

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