Friday, April 16, 2010

These Shoes Are Made For Walking...

You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes.  These are Frank's shoes...or rather Monica's, as he likes to be called now.  I have been amazed by his shoes for weeks.  He has got to be a size 15 shoe...where did he find these clogs that could fit him???  He has 3 pairs, my favorite are the ones he has embellished with jewels. 

I could have taken a photo of his entire ensemble and he wanted me too but really...a 6'5" guy with black nylons that said "bitch" all over them, a flapper's fringed dress and a grey jewel incrusted sweater that he had to cut the sleeves to fit over his arms, braclets, necklaces, anklets and that bright blue eye shadow...well it would have taken away from my blog about shoes and who wears what kind....Focus people...get the picture I have discribed out of your head and get back to the shoes.

Frank/Monica told me he always dressed like this but it was underneath the baggy pants and clothes that he used to wear...he has always been a man/woman.  He spends a lot of time working on his shoes and he walks better in them than some women.

I also saw a handsome 30 something guy dressed in slacks, jacket...and bright orange Crocs...did his wife not see him before he left the house?!

There is a young woman at work...she looks very young but has an important job...she always wears high heels...the 3 inch kind.  Does it make her seem older???  What is she trying to say???with her shoes.  They look horribly uncomfortable and she has to walk a fair distance at lunch.

I have several pairs of shoes...and when I am trying to figure out which ones I want to wear today I take into account what I am doing...and more importanty how I am feeling...cause shoes say so much about who you are going to be today.

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