Thursday, April 15, 2010

Space...The Final Frontier

Photo by Connor Bates

Space, the final frontier...or just a little piece of real estate...or a section of my brain...or the place between this spot and that spot...

Space is sooooo important to me. I like occupying my little piece of real estate on this earth.  I create a nice little circle around myself and I don't like it when someone I am not sure of steps into my space.  I watched Enzo yesterday approach another dog very cautiously, circling each other. Then, it was a nose to butt position...I know for sure that I am not comfortable without a circle around my space...dogs...they are more open to possibilities.

At work we all have our favorite space.  The problem is that there are about 25+ of us working each day and only a few get their favorite space.  The rest have to try and make it through the day.  It makes all the difference in how you feel by the end of the day if you worked in your favorite space.  Each day we walk in wondering, am I in my favorite space or am I in survival mode.  Do I have my favorite chair, pen, computer...or is it someone elses favorite space?

At the gym everyone has a favorite space.  We spin on the same bike, we work out on the same machines...there is one gym rat who runs every single day on the same treadmill, for the same length of time, at the same speed.  Last week that treadmill was broken and she had to use the one next door and said it was going to ruin her day.  Space.

Home is my all time favorite space and within our home we have each carved out even smaller favorite spaces.  Life is all about favorite spaces...which chair is our favorite, which side of the bed is our favorite, which window we like to sit in front of...

Space is so vast and so is important in ways we really don't look at until we lose our space...then we see how important it is to our day.

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