Monday, April 26, 2010

My ABs Hurt

My girlfriend "well" is filled and I will carry their support with me as life starts getting if it isn't busy all the time.  I laughed so much that my abs hurt.  I woke up that first morning and I thought I had pulled a muscle! 

I think it is unfathomable to the outside world of non-girlfriends and non-quilters to visualize what occurs on our quilt retreats.  8 girlsfriends, sitting at a group of tables set up into a giant square, with 8 sewing machines in front of them.  Sewing from morning till night.  Without exaggeration sewing 10 + hours.  Taking an occasional break for some sustenance and consuming large amounts of caffiene.  A daily break for some excersise and stretching but other than that living in PJ's cranking out quilting energy and taking pieces of fabric and creating art.

It is a time to pick each other's brains, problem solving...not only quilting issues, but life.  It is reveling in each other's joys and empathizing in each others sorrows.  It is reminiscing about the past, talking about the present and hopes for the furture. 

But most of all it is laughing until your abs hurt, knowing how amazing this group of women are and how blessed I am too have them as friends.

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