Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flexing the Brain

After going to the gym this morning I felt so good, flexing the body releases pent up stuff. You stretch muscles that have retracted during the night. You get rid of bad juju. When I work out I always feel better afterwards, my bodily functions are more efficient and I can pee a gallon after a work out. I really feel like so many toxins are leaving my system.

Which leads me to flexing my brain. When I am stressed about life/job it seems my brain is holding this energy much like my muscles do in sleep. I am now on a path to figure out exactly how to flex my brain, so it can feel as good as my body does when I flex it....

I do know that flexing my body does make my brain feel better but what I also know about my body is that if I were to divide up the two...brain and body is a single feels bad when I put bad things in it, it feels good when I work out and it hurts when I fall. My brain is like having a whole dysfunctional family running it...they all have their opinions on what would feel good and sometimes they are talking at the same time. So how do I get them to shut up and let the flex happen? It may be to figure out how to treat each moment in the present rather than letting thoughts travel to the past or the future. I think it will be a challenge but I am going to start today.

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