Thursday, May 7, 2009


Choices govern our lives. Do we eat the cookie or not. I watched a friend eat an Oreo cookie yesterday with a longing curiosity. I wondered what it would feel like to just pick a cookie up and eat it without a second thought. Now with braces on, every bite is a choice. I know if I want to eat something it requires me to take my braces off, eat, brush and floss my teeth, clean my braces and put them back in....way to much work for a cookie. So, some of my choices these days are lived through others.

On the other hand there are choices people make that change their entire life and the ones around them. It is with tragic results that you listen more to your longings, whether it be for more sleep, peace of mind, love...and you make the wrong choice.

I guess it goes back to which part of your brain is running the it the old reptilian brain who only is satisfied in the moment...with that good 'ol crazy feeling.

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