Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cleaning Out The Cobwebs

Yesterday was a day cleaning out the cobwebs. I mainly was doing this because Greg had been dealing with sinus problems for weeks and I wondered if the air conditioning coming on and blowing dust around could be irritating his sinuses. We cleaned the downstairs last weekend and yesterday I was tackling the upstairs. I realized when I was in my sewing room that I hadn't peeled off the dates on one of those little meditation calendars. I decided not to waste the time reading each one (I hadn't turned it since Feb.!) I ripped off the bulk and brought it current. The wisdom message was, "The wisdom of life is the elimination of non essentials."
It was like a light bulb went I was spending precious time dusting stuff that at one time had meaning or that I liked...but no longer do. So, I started packing up stuff to go to Goodwill. Wonderful treasures for someone to take home and clutter up their life with! I felt lighter, the non essentials were going out the door. That doesn't mean all my pretty stuff left but, I really took a look at what I had and thought, "does this bring me joy or do I look at it as a dust collector?"
I don't know about Greg but I slept better last night.

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