Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day Of Rest

Quilt week has finally come to a least for me. There are some quilters out there who are still shopping! It was a wonderful week for me filled with new experiences. I had never worked in a quilt store during Quilt Week. It was fun to meet all the traveling quilters and absorb their energy. I met a quilter from as far away as Ireland...we will travel the ends of the earth for fabric! lol There were a few quilters that recognized me from having taught at the Quilters Affair...go figure...the last time I taught during this week was about 5 years ago. I guess teachers do make an impression on their students...especially when they get a teacher who does comic entertainment also!

Today I take a day of rest. Usually on this day each year head out to the Bend Summer Festival, but there is nothing I need and I don't want to impulsively buy...nor do I want to eat something that is not good for me. So, I am going to rest at home, putter in my flower beds, read the paper at my leisure, do some quilting...soooo much inspiration at the show...and make granola...a perfect day of rest!

I started my day of rest this morning by taking a constitutional walk around the yard with Enzo and took a photo of my first blooming rose planted by a friend. Each time I walk out my front door I will think of him and how sweet it was of him to plant it for me. And so, since I do not know the name of this rose I will call it "Mo" after him.

Friends, family and more couldn't be sweeter.

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