Monday, July 19, 2010

The Poster Chicks of Quilting

It had been a long time since the four of us had done a girl trip or retreat. This past weekend the stars aligned and the gods smiled on our quilting lives. With work, family, and dog responsibilities we were still able to get away for an overnight trip! This photo was from the good 'ole days when life was less complicated...was it ever less complicated. I wonder if we allow "life" to take over our choices? I wonder if "life" is a bully?
As we traveled over the mountain and purged our souls of long held "pain", "guess what's" and "did you hear" I felt a warm glow of sisterhood and knew this was a good thing and I want to do it again!
Of course it did help that the first two quilt stores we visited had a "WOW" factor and we ran around like kids screaming, "come look at this!!!!" As is my common trait, I immediately made friends with the owner and her son which allowed us to venture behind closed doors to a brand new section which will open in the near future! Holly Hills in West Linn is by far the cutest quilt shop I have ever seen! We then headed over to Pioneer Quilts in Clackamas and they had the most amazing wool! Although the store did not have the same "WOW" factor as Holly Hill it was artistically stimulating enough to "make us" purchase fabric. The upside...the employees were very nice and there was fabulous hand dyed wool. The downside...the shop dog bit Dale! Evil little (*&^
The 3rd quilt store of the day...was of course Fabric Depot! And as birds migrating, lemmings driven to follow each other off a cliff or Emperor penguins making the same arduous trek...we ran into a couple more of our Fabric Stalkers in Fabric Depot who had traveled over the mountian...Like anthropologist seeking answers to our history and that perfect piece of fabric!

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