Sunday, July 25, 2010

Garden Lessons

Working in the garden works not only your back but your soul. This weekend in some of the highest temperatures we have had...we decided to putter on our hillside. It is like a canvas in which the paint is rock. I laugh at how we can move a rock 3 times until we find a spot that is just perfect.

It is kind of like life. There are some hard edges, uneven ground and yet there is beauty.

I curse the deer who ate the flower on my red hot poker! And, I hand carry a frog to a safe spot. I squirt the squirrel with the hose who make a mess of my deck. But, I am quiet as the quail walk by...The garden is the place where all facets of my personality are displayed and amazingly they all get along...because my garden knows that when I show up, I bring all of me.

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