Friday, November 19, 2010

Going Going Gone

It is hard to believe but my son's motorcycle was stolen. That is...a chained up parked in front of a car in his carport...stolen. I have been reading in the news about the rash of property crimes...most likely due to the hard times being felt but so many...but come on...

Several years ago we had a burglar enter our house while we were gone and he took all my jewelery, a coin collection that my father in law had passed down and Greg's watches and pawnable possessions. Having had someone in my home pawing through my clothing drawers...well it so creeped me out that I never rested comfortably in my bedroom after that event because we had a low lying window and secluded deck with door off our bedroom. Lovely home...but so glad when we decided to move.
There is a violation of one's life when something is is not as if you are rolling in the dough...we work hard for what we have and to think that someone thinks it is OK to take something is...well...just morally corrupt.

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