I got up this morning and found a cookie on my butt....at least it is a lump I didn't have last week. It seems to be all the cookies I have eaten over the last two weeks. In a previous blog I wrote about my new girlfriend Martha Stewart and her new cookie cookbook. I said...I bought it to look at the pictures and if that didn't work, I would bake cookies and give them to friends, that way we could all look the same. BIG MISTAKE! The cookie cookbook really made me a great baker and naturally not wanting my friends to possible die from my baking, I had to taste everything. My Friends did not die and neither did I, but I have grown. I have hidden the cookie cookbook in a cabinet and I plan on not touching it till Dec. 2009. It is next to several other books of an evil nature.
Now comes the planning to get rid of this cookie lump...of course it didn't help that yesterday all the Christmas dark chocolate was 50% off! Now the freezer is filled with chocolate. Everyone says that 2009 is going to harder than 2008 and I think my "old cave woman must survive" brain thought it meant to store up some fat for the lean times. Or maybe, it was being the daughter of a war survivor who thinks one must stock up big time...either way...I do believe I have enough padding to survive a minor food shortage and that it might behove me to become a lean mean non-baking machine....at least till Greg's birthday or Family/Friends New Years Day Brunch, which ever comes first.....oye vey...Weight Watchers please forgive me for I have sinned. Please let me join again.
Quilt Sample Sale!
5 years ago
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