Shoes have a special place in the human heart. It was one of the items that allowed us to expand our horizons and walk out of the jungle. Hollywood has reinforced our understanding that the shoe is the most important accessory...Dorothy didn't bang her purses together to get home, she clicked the heels of her sparkly red shoes. Shoes have evolved to the point where they have their own recognizable name...Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahniks and the like. So why would someone risk losing their shoes by throwing them at President Bush?
Somebodies been baaaaaddd! And it isn't the shoe launcher. It is truly amazing to realize that we have a president who warrants no more than a shoe launch. But on the other hand, shoes are important and that a person would give up his shoes to make a point is huge. Either way you look at it, this will go down in history as a chapter in the reign of President Bush. In watching the video of the event it is interesting to note that in a crowded room, a man was able to lean over and take one shoe off, launch it and that he still had time to bend over and take the other one off and launch that one before any of the secret service reacted or even those around him. True he was jumped and pinned after the launch of the second shoe but before that, the only one who reacted was President Bush. You really have to give President Bush the kudos for the 2 time duck and jive but then you realize that the training given to a future politician may include this maneuver.
When you think about it this may become a future Olympic event. After all, leaders from around the world could represent their countries and the citizens of those respective countries could give it a throw. All thrown shoes could be donated to those fleeing oppression and persecution. Sounds like a winner to me.
Quilt Sample Sale!
5 years ago
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