The stores are filled with the latest in the elusive quest for health and youth. Every second there is a new tonic, vitamin, makeup or diet that is going to make us feel better and look younger. While at the gym this morning I was watching a commercial that showed face cream that supposedly gave your face a out plastic surgeons! The infomercial channels are filled with people and things that are going to make you look and feel younger for only a small monthly payment to an address that is routed to the Philippines.
BUT, this I know...the one elusive tonic to youth and vitality is SLEEP. And believe me it is elusive. It is free and available to everyone no matter the class, culture or gender you are so why is it so elusive????
I think the sleep gene resides in the heart and it is only when the heart is at peace that the brain will shut up. Everyone thinks it is the brain that rules the world but in my body it is the heart. Case in point, I have been chasing the sleep gene for weeks on and off, I try sleepy time tea, medication, alcohol, sex and chocolate. Now mind you this all cost me money (accept for the sex that didn't cost me anything) for something free!!! Last night I could tell it was a brain night and so I played a game on the computer, talked, turned soothing music on, didn't eat anything after dinner and only had a light dinner...but no sleep. By 10 pm I was getting restless because if there is a cruel joke it is, the more tired you get and the more you worry about being tired the more awake you are....
My cell phone rings and really jolts me awake, when I answer it is my oldest son who in a very happy proud voice said scores came over the national paramedic site and he had passed his exam and was officially licensed. I was so happy, tired yes, but really happy and then my heart kicked in and I fell asleep.
It is true a happy heart is what makes you sleep.
Quilt Sample Sale!
5 years ago
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