Everyone likes a bobble head, they always have a smile on their face and they are always positive. The government likes bobble headed citizens, bosses like bobble headed employees, spouses like being married to bobble heads and parents like bobble headed children.
The question is, does change happen because of bobble heading a situation? Can progress be made if you bobble head your way through life and are you happier being in relationship with a bobble head or is the make-up sex worth not having a bobble headed spouse? Can you have a really wonderfully passionate conversation with a bobble head?
I know that some children can look like bobble heads but inside they are fighting the fight and are becoming individuals. They are the ones who will have a future.
Life is more interesting not being married to a bobble head, although it means I don't always get my way and parenting my children, who are definitely not bobble heads can at times cause anxiety but they are their own persons, and I love that.
Yesterday a co-worker spoke up for herself and change was the result. So this I know that one can be a bobble head and still be a positive cause for change. That there is a path where one can be positive and proactive and that the bobble head can bounce side to side.
Quilt Sample Sale!
5 years ago
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