Friday, November 20, 2009

Yo-Yo or Your On Your Own

The generation that was born in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's is referred now as the "me generation."  There was a time that the boomer generation was referred as the "me generation" but it was only a false label.  The boomers didn't discovered the "me" until young adulthood.  They were raised by teachers in dresses and suits and parents who didn't take any lip.  Even in young adulthood when they were involved with independent, in your face kind of was always in a group.  Group protest, marches, name it we were all about the group. 

The real "me generation" was born after 1970.  They were raised to be aware of self, before group.  From birth, we made sure our children were special as if by giving them this gift they will always be happy.  Sure, our children and grandchildren are special to us...but joe blow down the block could care less how special your little johnny is.  In fact he believes he is raising  children that are even more special...and that is where the feet meet the pavement.  The "me generation" is the "most confident, assertive and entitled - and more miserable that ever before." 

Once our children were born we wanted them to be even more sure of themselves.  Different types of education were developed so that parents could seek the perfect fit for their truly exceptional child.  Stickers were give out just because you remembered to give your parents a note.  Cartoons and books were written in the frame of "me" and "I."  Our children grew up with us fighting the battle of self esteem, for them.

For us, "Families could achieve middle class status on the earnings of one high school educated person, it now takes the earnings of two college educated people to achieve the same standard of living."  Yet, we raised our children to believe that if they picked the profession they loved...the money would come.  Now, in these economic times there are a whole lot of people who the knight in Indiana Jones said..."chose wisely."  There a now a whole generation of confident, assertive and entitled people out there...who must now figure out how to create their own lives.  I met a young man who I hadn't seen in a while.  He works as a driver for UPS and being low man on the totem  pole he would be the one they laid off...but unlike many in the "me generation" he chose to work what ever shift he could...split shift, in the middle of the night shift...but he is working...and he confident, assertive...but you know, he dropped the entitlement.  Maybe that is where the key the Yo-Yo...your on your are not entitled. 

We loved our children.  We would do anything for our sons.  And we made some mistakes in parenting that we wish we could have been given a do-over. 

But, I believe they have a chance for a good life because we also gave them these between the enabling.

If there is not a lot of blood, don't come whinning.
Yes, your teacher is a jerk...but someday you might have a boss who is a work with it.
Hey, you come from a family tree of hard workers.
and a whole lot of...

WOW, what a bummer for you....

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