Saturday, November 28, 2009

Service Dog

I am back home reflecting on what a great time Greg and I had.  Here are some of the highlights.  The drive over was a piece of studs needed but we did wear ours down a little on dry pavement.  Our Amaya woke up ill on Thanksgiving Day so she and her daddy had to lounge around the hotel room while the rest of the family went to Peter and Sarah's for a wonderful time.  The food was fabulous and the company even better.

Peter and Sarah opened their home and hearts to us all and it shows you do not need a large dining room with gold gilded lined plates and crystal glassware to have the best Thanksgiving ever.  Although we missed Becky (Sarah's sister) she did make her fabulous stuffing and so the pain of her not being there was soothed by stuffing.  Byron was a hoot, entertaining Erin and then giving us a reading of the Thanksgiving story.  Enzo loves Byron.

I could go on and on and on about every detail of the day but, I know if you were there you know what I am talking about and if you weren't...well, I'm sorry for your loss.

I want to get to the part of this narrative that has to do with my "service dog."  Enzo I have discovered is a service dog!!!!  I have bored some friends with his absolutely adorable personality and how really perfect he is...and he was very good at Thanksgiving dinner...mostly staying on his "spot" when told.  On Black Friday, Greg decided he wanted to go to Dick's which was across the parking lot from where we were staying.  Enzo's trainer had told me in class #2 that there is no excuse for not training on a daily basis just because of the weather.  In Bend, you can take a dog walking inside of Lowe's, Home Depot and Outdoor Outfitters.  I figure Dick's is the same as Outdoor Outfitters.  So, here we are at Washington Square Mall heading into Dick's.  I figured if they didn't allow dogs they would tell me.

Entering the store the "greeter" said welcome without batting an eye as I walked passed with Enzo.  As I walked around (for 15 mintues)I was asked if I needed help. No one said dogs are not allowed. Then, I was seated in the shoe area and the clerk there came up and asked me if he was a service dog.  Dang!  I didn't think fast enough which is unusal for me...and said no.  He then proceeded to tell me it was a state law that dogs were not allowed in stores unless they were service dogs. So we said thank you and left.  It was later that I thought...HE IS A SERVICE DOG!  and if I had been quick with my brain cells...I would have said, "Yes, he is a service dog, he prevents me from spending money that I don't need too!"  Because in actuality his presents with me caused the man to tell us to leave before I could have purchased shoes I didn't need! 

WOW!  I can't wait till class #3 when I can tell the trainer how smart Enzo really is!

I am acutally considering sewing a backpack for him that says "consumer service dog" and carries your credit cards and wallet...and every time you try to get them out he runs away from you!

1 comment:

Lil' Red said...

We had a wonderful time. . . just wish Amaya and Mike could have enjoyed the warmth and love in Peter, Sarah, & Byron's home.