Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I was drowning in mail.  I think I must have been a stamp in my former life because in this life, mail is the bane of my exsistence!  I have tried all kinds of methods to deal with it, the most recent being a nice wicker basket on top of the dryer.  From my garage I walk through my laundry room to enter the house.  I thought how perfect.  The recycle bin is near my garage door and I could toss unwanted mail right away.  Then important mail would be deposited in the cute basket on top of the dryer.

Well it worked through the first half of the year.  The economy sucked so the junk mail was waaaaaay down.  But for the last three months it has been slowly climbing.  Which results for me a mountain of mail.  As I get more stressed about the mail, I will begin pulling the bills out (I hope) pay those and toss the rest of the mail in the basket.  The result are piles, the basket was over flowing so I had to add a couple of grocery bags.  I can't just throw things in the recycle bin...I have to tear the parts that has my name and shred them.  I can be nuts.

After letting it grow for 3 months it requires a system and about 1 1/2 hours.  The mail get piled on the table (I had to clear the table 3 times to get through it all) in the paper bags go the recycled paper that does not have my name.  The papers on the floor all have our names on them and are to be shred.  I have a small pile that are bills or things that need to be dealt with and a bigger pile of paper that need to be filed.

I found my AAA cards in the pile, I had paid that bill in Sept and they sent new cards...of course I had no idea because they were buried on the dryer.  Now I can actually clean the lint trap on my dryer! 

Mail would be more fun if you actually got letters from real people on pretty stationary...or if someone would send you money.  Or Ed McMahon would tell you that you won...but I think he died so maybe I wouldn't want to win anything from him.

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