Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lots of Day Dreaming

I finally bucked up and took my lap top into DSI.  I had been sweet talking it, patting it on the top, propping it with books to give it more air circulation without any improvement.  Yesterday I took it down, gave them my best "withdrawal" symptoms look and asked...whaaaaa, how long do you think it will take????  A beautiful glow appeared behind his head and I actually heard music when he said..."should get it done today."

At 5:00 I went back to pick up my "baby" and found out that they were still running programs and it would be better if I came back the next morning...not wanting to show them my best tantrum, I cheerily said that I would be back when they opened.

It is easy to get dependent and when our tools are taken away...we are lost.  I have a pattern to my day, I check my e-mail several times a day...if I am depressed I play Hexic for 20 mintues...if I am nervous about money I look at my bank accounts...all this tasks ground me and without them...I wander around trying to figure out what to do next.

When Greg got home I cried, "look no lap top on the kitchen table." and then patted the site where it normally sat.  This is not good.  I am not as fond of the PC because there is no view out the window where it's set up.

This morning I decided that the lap top should not be on the table all the time.  That when I want to use it I'll bring it out.  I am bored with Hexic which means I am not depressed.  As for email, I'll do what my sister does...checks it twice a day.  Looking at my online banking has not increased my bank account one penny!  I'll day dream more...but first I am going to be there right when they open with my nose pressed against their window!

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