Saturday, October 9, 2010


As I sat at my dining room table on my birthday looking at news on the computer I saw a man walking up my walkway with flowers in his hands. I was not only amazed that flowers were being delivered to my house...(he must be at the wrong address) but I was noticing how I was feeling.

I was raised by a romantic man and a practical woman. Gifts were extraordinary when the romantic man shopped but not received with excitement. I watched my mother exchange or return most gift. Thus I became a practical receiver and giver. Which means, it is better to not to risk giving or getting a gift that could be rejected. I have over the years asked, "what do you need, what do you want." I like to go shopping with the receiver so I know I am getting exactly what they want and it won't be returned to the store. I love stores that have registries for showers and wedding. No risk.

But, on my birthday...I saw and felt the excitement of getting a surprise. And even more interesting was that the surprise was fresh flowers, which in my childhood household were the ultimate waste of money. I remember telling Greg early in our marriage...don't get me fresh flowers they are just a waste of money and don't last long. Was that me talking or my mother? Because I can tell you watching that man arrive with fresh flowers and hoping that he was at the right address...gave me a thrill. Signing for the flowers...well everything about receiving them made me realize that getting a surprise can be so good for the soul.

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