I am reading a book by the author Jon Katz named, "The Soul of a Dog." It is a wonderful peek into the lives of the animals that share his home and farm. In one chapter he talks about Elvis, a steer who has become an unlikely pet. In a study done at one of the local university vet programs the professor talked about the possible evolutionary process that might be occuring when "man" makes a non-human a pet.
So, you ask what does this have to do with Julie's dog Nala? Well according to this professor the tendency for humans is to attach our own thought processes and emotions to animals. It is in this way that we feel love. When we believe that our animals feel the same way we do, have the same responses to relationships and love...then to have the animals in our lives give us unconditional love is soooo wonderful. We are healthier, happier, deal with stress better and are more motivated.
Now we come to Elivs, the steer. The 2 other steers on the farm totally ignore Jon. They have no relationship with humans, they do not get the cause and effect of hay and human. But, Elvis does. It might be that Jon saw something different in Elvis and so began to treat him differently...or it may be that Elvis was different. What ever the reason Elvis looks for Jon, calls to him when he wants something to eat...according to the professor this is how animals move up the evolutionary chain. Elvis's offspring may also have relationships with humans.
There is one bear who has been able to open every single bear proof garbage container. The container company acutally takes their latest and greatest bear proof can to this particular park to have it tested and so far...this one bear, can open them all. Now they are watching to see if her off spring will be able to accomplish the feat. She and potentially her cubs are moving up the evolutionary steps of bears.
Oh yeah...Julie's dog Nala. Does the photo not speak for itself. Nala has moved up her families evolutionary chain. A dog who no longer sleeps on the floor (there are millions of dogs who have already evolved to bed sleepers) next she will ask for the remote control and breakfast in bed! (you can tell she is already dreaming it!)
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5 years ago
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