This week I have witnesses several events where you have to look below the conversation to really get what is going on. Whether it is frustrations with work, interactions with neighbors or conversations on email. You really have to look between the letters, between the words and between the sentences to understand what is going on...she said what???? he said what????
I have to be careful because I want to know more about what is going on in-between than what is being said. It is important for me to really listen because left to my own devices all I'll hear is yada, yada, yada on the surface but the richness is the stuff between and that isn't really fair to the person who is expressing themselves.
What I know is that this ability or curse comes from my childhood. There were 2 languages spoken in my household. Due to the climate of the times my parents wanted us to assimilate into American society, as quickly and quietly as possible. So the second language was not taught and it was expected that conversations would be in English. But as humans need to converse in their comfort language, the second language which I did not know was spoken frequently when my father was not around. So started my education in reading between the lines, reading body language and over time even though I did not know a word of the language, I began to understand the conversation. Then the understanding of the conversation translated to understanding intent between the conversation....confusing huh!
I do love people watching, I have no problems being stuck at an airport, give me a volatile meeting and my brain is firing like the 4th of July fireworks display.
The things that I have heard this week have fascinated me, because...sure on a work and social level it is interesting but if we as a human race could really understand what is going on with each other, would there be so much negative use of personal energy? Or do we require the negative energy around us, is it useful in a opposite kind of way, does it provide the frame work to understand the good in the world???
For me I can only allow so much negative ions floating around me...but I am interested in understanding it when it does float into my world.
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