Look into my eyes...I have a message for you...you have a choice. We tend to believe that life makes choices for us. The fact is, we have always had a choice.
I have heard people say, "I hate my job but I don't have a choice...I have to work." There is a choice, you can change your life style so you don't need a particular job or you can chose to stay because the life style is one you don't want to give up.
Some people will say they can't afford something, when in fact they could but they would have to make the choice and live with the consequences of that choice.
I think people would rather feel life is not in their control, then they wouldn't have to take responsibility for the results good or bad. Bad luck, good luck most often is a result of a choice. There is no cosmic deity out there who is manipulating our lives. The results of our life comes down to our own choices.
I think that accepting that everything we have to do is in the power of our own choice can free us from the feelings of being a victim to something out there...
Truly the only thing in our lives that is out of our control is the family we were born in...but to stay in relationship, is a choice.
Look into my eyes...you have the power...you have the choice...you are the boss of you!
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