This card that a dear friend brought over to me last night...well, it cracked me up! But, with all the farm noises I wondered what the farmer's noise would be? He didn't have a cow...he had a random flatulence.
Well, Greg and I decided that at our age it is no longer deferred flatulence but random flatulence. I have a lot more empathy for the senior citizen who I see when the room fills up with the aroma of what they had the previous meal. I have had patients say, excuse me. On the other hand I have patients who look at me with a questioning I made the tootie noise! But, I continue with my job and let them keep their dignity. On the other hand when either of us has a "random" flatulence we do not give each other a free pass. We tease each other and feign toxic poisoning. It used to be that we could defer the flatulence till we were in an isle at Bi Mart by ourselves...but it seems since we have tipped to our middle 50's that occasionally there is a random flatulence. Like when you laugh, sneeze, hiccup or cough. What the hey???? I do think that my random flatulence has a musical note. Besides when you work where I can blame it on the patient by rolling your eyes when someone walks by. Greg has it easy, he has his own unless the windows fog up, no one will know!
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