Sunday, January 10, 2010

Questions, Questions

Yesterday I was having a phone conversation with my sister.  We spent time catching up on our respective lives.  She was heading out that evening to a dining group she belongs too.  A good group of friends that rotate once a month to each others homes to share a tasty dinner.  Last night was going to be at one of her friend's home that I had met.  So, I told her to please extend my greeting...and ruminated that I likes that friend of hers, she is so pleasant to be around, positive, friendly...all the things that make others want to be around.  My sister agreed and said she doesn't have any disfunction around her...which brings to mind the question..."Why Can't I Be You?"

My first response, although I do like this never truly know what goes on in other peoples lives.  I never want anyone else's life...I never wish for other's families, jobs, children...because longing for another's life is to miss something wonderful in your own. 

Every life has it's ups and downs.  Every life is not perfect.  Every person has a family garden with some weeds.  To fear the outcome is to lose time tending the garden.  To longingly look at anothers flower beds is to not see the deer eating your own.

For is not that I do not spend some time asking Why?  But it is never completed with...Can't I Be You?

It is Why and only Why....a question for me to answer within my own exsistence...the answer to be found with what I do have.

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