Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm Missing My Dad

It is sadly funny how all of a sudden you will miss someone who has been gone from your life for such a long time.

I am not sure what has happen to suddenly wish I could talk to my dad one more time. 

The really sad part is how much time has passed...almost 33 years.  I tried to Google him and so much has happened in that amount of time that he does not exsist on the internet.  If I Google my mom I get a hit.  Life keeps moving forward at a faster and faster pace.

But today I take a moment to really think about my dad and talk.  Because what I do know is what his answers to my questions would be.  He was the pattern after which I was made..."what you see is what you get"...and so when I ask myself what he would think...I know the answer. 

He would be so happy with the path that each of my children have taken...and he would appreciate that the Jones sense of humor lives on...that is, one of the gift I have recieved in relationship with my cousin Mike...a connection to that Jones sense of humor.  I look in my cousin's face and I see my dad and my favorite uncle.  He would love that his grandsons are successful but, successful by their own rules...each carry a part of him I remember...and oh would he love Sarah and Byron.  I know that Byron would be sailing over a day and through the night to see the Wild Things with my dad if he was here...but, then he is me, my sons, in my cousin and in his daughters.

Sometimes it catches you off're doing something totally innocuous and then you feel them, so close to the surface in the memory of your heart... and it squeezes...because for a moment you hear their whisper.

1 comment:

Lil' Red said...

Reading your heart makes me tear up. I just got through reviewing some emails I had sent when my mom got sick, and passed. I don't know what prompted me to click and read them tonight. And then I remembered I haven't checked in with your blog in a while...I think life is so amazing with all the connections right in front of us, and those that are a little harder to see. Still, there's so much connection - everywhere. I really love reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. Deep breath.