Friday, September 25, 2009

Where In The World Is Annie???

I believe that it is good to occassionaly take a look outside my little box.  When you live in a community like Bend, you forget the smells and views of the world out yonder.  Having lived in Bend for many years I can see the evolution of "culture" but just because you have a choice of Thai restuarants does not mean you have a Thai community.  I imagine statistically that the number of African Americans in Bend still number around the 2 know less calories but still taste like real milk.

If you were to look around the community I am currently staying there would be an understanding at how really different Bend still is...

As I walked down to take part in the complimentary breakfast at my motel I am presented with hard boiled eggs, belgian waffles, bagels, oatmeal, rice in a rice cooker, miso soup, seaweed....what the hey???  You know you are not in Bend.

Walking the 2-3 miles to the hosptial I rarely pass anyone walking, and if I do not one of them is caucasian.  This is a world of cars.  In 2 days I have seen 3 people on a bike...I think all the bikes moved to Bend.  Here I feel part of the masses...except I do stand out because of my Keens and that I am walking.

The hospital staff is made up of world soup. It makes me glad that my children have experienced the world outside of Bend, at the same time I am happy for that Beaver Cleaver home town life they had also because it will change.  There are those who say Bend has changed so much in the last 20 years and yes there have been changes...more shops, more social events...but the cultural changes are much slower.

PS.  the photo was taken by Nasa from space

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