Monday, September 14, 2009


Cocoon:  to envelope or surround protectively.

There are days I want to be wrapped in a cocoon.  How worry...warm...someone else can take care of it.

Once you enter the world of  awareness the cocoon goes away and you are in charge of how you feel and what you want to do about it.  So today I spent a day fighting the real world and wanting to be in a cocoon.

I woke up with a light whirling around my left eye...I thought it was a bug... but after a couple of swats, I realized it was my eye...and what do you know, there are a bunch more floaters in there.  Wanting to remain in my cocoon I choose to ignore it.  Then I went to the Costco pharmacy...truly a hell on earth.  Between the doctor, the insurance company and the pharmacy I have yet to leave there without a bigger problem than when I arrived.  Sure I am picking up blood pressure meds and you're making my pressure go up!!!!!!!!!!

Finally at noon time I came home and told Greg about my eye.  His logic response was...are you going to see a doctor about response, NO...I don't have time.  After he left I crawled out of my cocoon and googled "bright lights whirling around your vision" and the response was see a in right away!  So I called my eye doc and when I told them the symptoms they wanted to see me right away.

What did I find vitrious is pulling away from my retina and the symtoms will go on for a couple of days.  If the retina comes with it then we have a problem.  Since I am in and out of town for the next month...she is checking out a doctor in Napa if my retina decides to detach itself.

Like a dummy, I asked what causes this...for some is just age...shit!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then she took my blood pressure which was way too high.  So I came home with a appointment to check my retina when I get back into town and an appointment for a physical to find out why my blood pressure is high, why I am fat and how I can fix it all.

What I do know is that the cocoon is a nicer place.  Being an adult sucks sometimes.

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