Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I have been in love with the same man for 32 years.  But in reality a marriage that survives life, does not survive by love alone.  A wonderful marriage is made up of a variety of emotions both positive and negative.  As in any recipe it takes the right balance of ingredients.  Although a marginal cook I can mix up a fun I am sharing my recipe...for...

"Marriage Stew"

1 cup of love
1/4 cup of mystery
1 cup of compassion
1/2 of listening
2 cups of compromise
1 cup of friendship
1/4 cup lust
pinch of anger

pour in a large bowl a cup of love, beat in the 1/4 cup of mystery to create a frothy mix.  Let sit for 10 mintues before adding the cup of compassion.  Hug the bowl and fold in the 1/2 cup of listening and really hear what is happening.  When throughly heard, 2 cups of compromise can be added. The most important ingredient that makes this recipe successful or not, is the cup of friendship but the other ingredient that gives it the spicey heat is the 1/4 cup of lust which must be sprinkled in a little at a time to mix throughly with all the flavors.  Last but not least is the pinch of anger...and I mean just a pinch...because no marriage can survive without it in the mix but if it is just a pinch the recipe will still work. Place in a warm safe place and let rise, share the finished product with your children and make it a special family recipe.

As with all recipes you can alter adding and subtracting to make it your own.

Happy Anniversary Greg....I miss you....

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