Friday, August 6, 2010


Yesterday I spent all day in a class titled, "Managing Cardiac Issues in Acute and Critical Care Patients." A good majority of it was out of my scope of practice and thus the words flew over my in, what was that swooshing sounds passing me by!
The saving grace, the speakers were fabulous. Taking a difficult subject and making it entertaining. Class started at 0800 and ended at 1700...a full day of talking about the heart and what happens when it gets broken. I do believe I learned something...and the best word added to my vocabulary was "Piloerection." I love saying it because it sounds funny and it is a funny way to say what it is...I have piloerections...hey, you have piloerections...I can't see if my dog has piloerections...
go ahead try and ignore this blog...I bet you will be driven to look it up in the dictionary...Piloerection...

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