Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hello muddah, hello faddah...

A woman at the dog park told me I was a great dog handler.

Camp nana and papa is in full swing...I have hit the highs and the lows. I have been bitten by mosquito's and chipmunks. I have actually had a bath. We have dried fruit, made granola, made our bed every day, packed our own lunches. We have awakened every morning at 0630 to take the dog to the dog park and I have done some training (of the dog). We have picked up dog poop and fed him his meals. We have watched black and white cowboy shows and The Planet Earth. I have hoola hooped my brains out. I have emptied the dishwasher every evening...please can I come home.

I learned how to make my own pillow case.

(this narrative by nana)

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