Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two Funerals And A Wedding

There is nothing like weddings or funerals to bring out the emotions.  I have been smoothly sailing along enjoying every aspect of the impending nuputials but it is not without it's emotional side.  They didn't make the movie "Two Wedding and a Funeral" for no reason.

The last family funeral resulted in so much fall out that it took me back to the previous funeral which was my dad's in 1978. The fall out from that one has been life long.  I was barely married less than a year when dad died and I not only lost him but I also lost others in my family, I lost them emotionally.  The second funeral has created a saddness in the family that goes beyond the loss of the one member.  We are still struggling with who we are as a family and how we can continue without this one person. 

And so a wedding.  The most anticipated wedding in our family.  Then a friend emails me a photo that says..."Do not waste yourself in rejection, nor bark against the bad, but chant the beauty of the good."

I am Chanting!!!!!!!!!!!!

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