Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clean Slate

Sometimes out of disaster comes freedom.  I have noticed that in the last two days as I have been working on getting my lap top back on it's feet...that I now have a clean slate.

I had been hanging onto computer files filled, not only with positive things but negative things.  Why???  It seems I was somewhat of a computer email hoarder.  I have seen advertisements of that show about hoarders and although I don't hoard stuff in the real world I had become a virtual hoarder.  I had files filled with funny videos I loved.  I had files filled with emails divided by person...kinda like when you save birthday cards.  Some of the emails were negative ones but having them made me consider where I came from and how I ended up here.

Now, with the crash of my computer I have a clean slate!  It is freeing.  I feel like I can enjoy those funny videos like a fond memory.  I can cast off the need to validate my exsistence by negative emails.   I no longer need a huge virtual file cabinet.  The DSI guy was able to save the bare bones and I get to start over...over with a new set of rules.  It is like my house burned down but someone saved all my photos...and now I can redecorate.

It has been so eye opening that when I got to work yesterday and I read through my emails...I deleted every one of them and so at the end of the day I had a totally empty in-box.  I even deleted the delete box!  I used to save all those emails to refer back too...but realized yesterday that they served only as a sign of the burden of information I could not possibly carry around in my brain.

I have cleansed myself, and baptized myself is the waters of information freedom...Now my favorite button is delete.

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