Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My name is Enzo and I have taken over this blog!  I usually love going to the hairdresser and they love seeing me...but get real this cut does nothing for my spectacular profile. 

When I show up they usually ask my human how short the cut should be...does she not know it is still WINTER!  I pranced around, shaking hands trying to make the "help" want to take care of me.  I heard the human say to the groomer that I was like a piece of VELCRO and that it takes her an hour after our walks  to get the sticker weeds out of my magnificent coat.  I should have paid more attention...for little did I know that that would mean they would cut all my hair off!!! @#$%^

Now I am going to freeze to death, male human #2 that lives in MY house started laughing as soon as he saw me...and then did this happen.

I look like an alien, with 2 giant pom poms on the side of my head...and this appearance makes me look like I have a small brain!  I do have to say that when I was getting my hair cut there were at least 20 people watching through the window...I am beautiful and they needed to see me...what PO's me is that not one of them rapped on the window and told the "help" that they were cutting my hair to short!

Both humans have to go to work today...I may display my displeasure at this grooming while they are gone!

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