Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Well, its that time of year...allergy season.  I am an allergy sufferer of the most profound.  On Monday at 4:00 PM I sneezed...then sneezed again...and sneezed an additional 20 times.  Arrrgggh.  Within an hour I needed allergy medicine and the season began.

The worst part of allergy season for me is my brain stops working.  Normally it can handle several tasks at the same time.  During allergy season, I am lucky to remember my name and those of my family members...forget remembering my phone number.

I become "cautions Annie."  It is during this season that I can only do one thing at a time, I must write myself notes and I have to be careful what I do...because it is during this season I will fall down, trip, stab myself (accidently), get lost, forget where I parked my car and will generally slip into a fugue state.

It is caused by the number of medications that are required to control the symptoms, the lack of oxygen caused my 50 sneezes in a row if I don't take medicaiton and the totally exhaustion caused by the lack of sleep, itcy throat, plugged ears, runny nose...well you get it.

Greg try to make me feel better...he is sympathetic, because after 33 years of this yearly cycle he knows...I may call him for a ride cause I can't find my car.

So off to work I go, knowing my process will be shorter cause I'll have to write everything down.  I'll have to explain to each patient..."No, I do not have a cold...this water fall is because of the snow melt! lol" 

All I can say at this point is....AAAA....Chooooo

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