I have been lucky to have good soul sisters. I was born an only child but learned about my first soul sister when I was about 4 years old. My parents had decided to adopt. When all was said and done, 5 years later at the age of 9 I had a soul sister who was 3 years older than me. It was a blessing.
As the years passed I picked up other soul sisters. There are the ones who totally get you, the ones you can cry with, the ones that will have your back no matter what and the ones that help you and that you can help. They are the ones who are honest with you but wrap that honesty in love. They forgive you your short comings and stop you from doing something stupid.
A soul sister, although not born of the same parents some how is connected to you with a braid of love, caring, honesty and strength.
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5 years ago
I, too, share your "luck." My soul sisters have helped me become who I am. I find a soul sister in every one of my new endeavors....which does provide comfort in scary, changing times like these. I know I will find a soul sister, or two, if we move. And, more importantly, I have souls sisters who I leave behind, now....but who will love me and miss me and always be there. I will do the same for them. Thank you, Anna, for your wisdom and support....and your sisterly love.
True soul sisters are like love in the bank. No matter where you go their love follows even if they can't. You are my baby soul sister and I am learning so much about myself in this new relationship.
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