Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Moon

I used to think that a "Blue Moon" was blue or sad.  In fact a blue moon happens only once every 2 1/2 years...thus, the phrase "once in a blue moon."  Tonight is the night.  How special that it landed on New Years Eve...if only the snow storm does not block our view.

The idea of something happening once every 2 1/2 years gives you pause about taking advantage of opportunities that happen only once in a while. 

Why can we not make other things in our life that are "once in a blue moon" events, an opportunity.  It may be my mantra for the new year.  If someone or something presents an opportunity for me to experience something I have not experienced before...I am going to remember that this is a once in a blue moon chance to open my heart, my life and my schedule.

I think I saw the moon wink at me.

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