Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my dad's birthday. He died in 1978. I had been married a total of 7 1/2 months. He was the most interesting person I have know. He was a voracious reader, getting up at 0400 every morning to read. His choice of book was eclectic. He was a romantic. He was a father who kept you on your toes. He worked very hard. He made sure you had adventure. He was a tender soul. He had an 8th grade education. He went on to make a small fortune through smart choices and failures. He longed to go to college. When he was in his early 40's he finally started going back to school. He was well liked and sought out as a friend and confidant by many. Family was everything to him. He was a sailor and dreamed of sailing around the world. He died 2 days after his birthday...never making it to 50. He was my best friend, a challenging father and the one who I knew always loved me.

I miss you.

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