Sunday, May 3, 2009


In the oriental culture family is everything. You represent your family in life. Family is more important than friends. Blood is everything.

What I have found is that family are those you love whether they are related or not. Those you trust. Those you long to share dreams, hardships and food with.

Today was family breakfast day at our house. The family that arrived was my cousin and family, uncle of my cousin's family, best friend, her son, her boyfriend and we were blessed with the company of our younger son. It is a connection in a transitory society that I treasure. Little girls and babies can always make the world look brighter.

My brother in law 30+ years ago gave me a book called "The Family of Man" and what I know is this, your family is made up of those people that rest in the heart, whether they are related or not and sometimes your blood relatives will bring along those that are part of their family and if you open your heart, your family grows.

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