Daydreaming...which I learned from you the gift of courage. It is when you brain free floats with ideas that you may not have considered in a more alert state. In a daydream state you consider possibilities.
As the sky and everything around turns yellow with pine dust you consider how powerful pollen is, even though it is a light as air and is blown around by the wind. The new growth that survived the winter gives you pause on how something so delicate, is yet so strong. The blue birds nesting in the birdhouse is an example of commitment to procreate thus providing for the weak and goes the daydreaming.
I've moved the bird feeders around is my attempt to thwart the squirrels and yet they are challenged and continue to find ways to get the food. The chatter and curse at me...waving their paws...I think with a 3rd finger pointed at me!
The golfers attempt to get that ball over the hill and bounce within a couple of swings of the hole...and yet they continue to hit the trees, houses, their own carts and their friends...only to have the courage to come out and try again.
And so, daydreaming has brought me to this moment where I think I can bake a Blueberry Rhubarb Pie to take to a friend's house...we'll see if my daydreaming is powerful enough to make pie and keep friends.
Quilt Sample Sale!
5 years ago