Monday, April 27, 2009


I spent the weekend with a group of women. They are my closest friends and fill a space I need for female companionship, mentoring, and support. Women are interesting. When you have spent time and developed a level of trust, they come together with everything exposed. Sure there are some things you will always keep hidden, but if there is a space in the world where I can let my guard down and expose my heart it is with these women.

Of course, they are human and so they bring their own judgement, anger, pain, love, kindness and they not only hear, but listen. They can make you pee your pants with laughter. You can tease each other without anger and you can hug those that need a hug. There is encouragement and truck load of advice, some of which you let go in one ear and out the other...but you are thankful that they have taken the time.

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