I read a great article titled, "Just What You Need." Unbeknown to me there are abbreviations in the international business management world, JIC or JIT. Toyota successfully launched their company based on the same decision they used in making sushi...JIT (Just In Time) whereas American auto makers used JIC (Just In Case) which required a back log of inventory.
If we apply JIT versus JIC to our own lives we may create a better life. As the article stated JIC (Just In Case) is just crazy. Most people live with the just in case mind set because throughout history it made sense. Goods were scarce. No longer, for most people. "Living in an abundant environment but operating on the assumption that goods are scarce leads to a host of dysfunctions that can be summed up in one word: excess. Most of us live in a world of excess, we work too much, we eat too much, rack up debt buying too much stuff." Not only are we drowning in our lives we are driving the prices up by hording.
Now JIT (Just In Time) just makes sense. Switching to a just in time mind set, restores balance and health. By switching our collective mind set and focusing on our abundance we will create a shift in the totality of our lives. Taking a leap from living in fear to one of faith, that we can get what we need to live is a mind set that takes...well, a leap...especially in these times.
If you succumb to the JIC, you will accumulate more...including debt...and fear. As for me I plan on being a JIT kinda of gal...except for fabric...who knows when there may be a shortage!!!!!!
Quilt Sample Sale!
5 years ago