Friday, January 30, 2009

The Seven Dwarfs of Menopause

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it off to life we go....I continue to thank my lucky stars that the state of the economy came when it did. Sounds weird I know, but when I look at the timing in relation to my life, I am so glad I am still working. I still have 5-10 years of employment ahead of me and best of all my son's are at a perfect place in life's process. They can see all around them the changes in the country and yet at this point they do not have a lot to lose. No house mortgaged to the nines, no worry about how to support the family, but the benefit of seeing what overindulgence and living a life built on credit can do to you.

The only disadvantage of having the economy tank at this time in my life, is that I am being followed by the Seven Dwarfs of Menopause.....Itchy, Bitchy, Sleepy, Sweaty, Bloated, Forgetful and All Dried Up. All of those nasty little dwarfs make me much more susceptible to the "suck in factor" of the news media. I watch the news and cry, worry and suddenly want to pull up stakes and move somewhere to grow my own food, hunt my own meat (ewww, somebodies got to clean it), wear Birkenstocks and sew my own underwear. I have to get a handle on those little guys because I love my life, I love my shoes and underwear made by someone else is....well, its just the way life should be!

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